Whether you have studied the Bible for years or just getting your feet wet, we want you to be a part of one or all of these opportunities! When we take the time to learn together, we make the process deeper and richer – your participation makes a difference!
Bible Study Classes
Sunday 9:20 PM
Adult mixed, Women’s, Men’s
Ivan Carr’s Class
Explore the Bible - Amos, Jonah, Hosea, Micah
Men’s Class
Explore the Bible - Amos, Jonah, Hosea, Micah
Women’s Class
Bible Studies for Life - James Living Out Your Faith How to Build Your life on God’s Word
Jason Kramer
Teaching through Genesis
Denzil Smith’s Class
The Book of Acts
Cindy Powell’s Class
The Book of Signs By Dr. David Jeremiah
Ron Moore’s Class
Bible Studies for Life - James Living Out Your Faith How to Build Your life on God’s Word
Women’s Bible Study
Tuesday 9:30 AM
Women of all ages
Get ready to take a deep dive into the Word of God with Mary Lou. As a widowed pastor’s wife, she has a unique way of uncovering the beauty of God’s Word as well as drawing insights out of others they see in the Bible. In addition to digging into God’s Word, we will also support each other through sharing prayer concerns as people feel comfortable. This is a life-giving as well as a life-enriching opportunity you do not want to miss! Join us!
Men's Bible Study
Thursday 6:00 AM
Men of all ages
As iron sharpens irons so does one man sharpen another. Our men's bible study is focused on digging into the word of God and honing our understanding of the word with each other. In addition to digging into God’s Word, we will also enjoy a time of fellowship with breakfast. This is a life-giving as well as a life-enriching opportunity you do not want to miss! Join us!
Men’s Breakfast
2nd Saturday 7:30 AM
Men of all ages
Here is a great way to start the 2nd Saturday of the month – good food, manly men, timely Bible study, and work projects! Wear your work clothes, bring your tools, and get ready to have a couple of impactful hours as we spend time together. No matter if you have an hour or a couple of hours, stay as long as you can – we will enjoy whatever time you have available!
Waymakers Recovery Group
Sunday’s 4:00 PM
Adult mixed
The church should never be a hotel for “saints” it should be a hospital for sinners! We are interested in getting down in the weeds and walking together as individuals who experience the impact of life challenges in hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Our confidential meeting is led by professionals and practitioners who know Jesus came so that we might experience “Life to the Full”! We will pursue a meaningful life together and focus on what life can be instead of staying stuck in what it has been. Do together what you can’t do on your own!
We’d love to talk in person on the weekend, or you can email anytime.